Law Offices of Bray Chappell Patterson and Olsen, Inc.
Bray Chappell Patterson & Olsen Inc.
Family Law Attorneys
Are you looking for a divorce lawyer? Are you considering collaborative divorce or mediation? Since 1985, Bray Chappell Patterson and Olsen Family Law Attorneys has been dedicated to serving families in difficult seasons with excellence and wisdom—providing collaborative divorce attorneys and family law services that value not only our clients’ financial interests but also their essential family relationships.
Our firm has always been rated highly by our professional peers as well as by our clients. We strive to accomplish for each and every client the needed legal outcome without unnecessary expense or damage to relationships. For 35 years, this has been a winning formula.
If you are faced with a divorce, Bray Chappell Patterson and Olsen Family Law Attorneys will help you explore alternatives to traditionally adversarial family law litigation. Fortunately, families today have several options, including Collaborative Divorce and Early Intervention Mediation, processes where the husband, wife and both of their attorneys agree to resolve all issues in their case without involving a court.
Working together, in private, families are empowered to openly discuss shared goals and interests and, with a team of professionals, equipped to creatively explore all their best options for a mutually acceptable resolution. In addition to collaborative divorce, our firm has conducted hundreds of family law mediations. Our divorce attorneys use their extensive experience to provide superior legal services across a wide range of practice areas that south central Texas families rely on most. For more information, please call our office to schedule a consultation.
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More Info
If you have any questions regarding our services, please contact us. You may do by filling out the contact form to the left, by e-mailing us at, or calling us at (210) 828-2058. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Bray Chappell Patterson & Olsen, Inc.
Attorneys and Counselors
1250 N.E. Loop 410, Suite 315
San Antonio, TX 78209
PHONE: (210) 828-2058
FAX: (210) 828-2178
Business Hours: 8:00am-5:00pm M-F
Bray, Chappell, Patterson, and Olsen Offices in San Antonio, Texas
DISCLAIMER - The material provided on this website is for the purposes of information only and is not intended to be a substitute for legal advice or consultation with an attorney regarding any specific legal issue or concern. Using this website as a means of communication with this firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship nor should it be used for any confidential or time-sensitive messages.

Bray, Chappell, Patterson & Olsen, Inc.
Attorneys and Counselors
1250 N.E. Loop 410, Suite 315
San Antonio, TX 78209
(210) 828-2178