Support Groups and Resources
Support Groups and Resources
Here are some resources that you may find helpful.
Divorce and Relationship Support
A support group to help adults recover from the hurt of separation or divorce. Tuesdays 6:30pm, Community Bible Church, 153-5978; Mondays 6:30pm, Grace Point Church, 696-6093; Thursdays 7:00pm, Concordia Lutheran Church, 479-1477.
DivorceCare for Kids
A special group to help children recover from the hurt of divorce. Tuesdays 6:30 pm Community Bible Church 253-5978; Thursdays 7:00pm Oak Hills Church, 698-4631.
Divorce Recovery Sharing Group
7-8:30 p.m. first and third Tuesdays, St. Matthew’s Catholic Church. For anyone dealing with the pain/loss of separation and divorce. The group is open and welcomes walk-ins. Free, but a small donation is suggested 478-5005.
Celebrate Recovery
Support groups offered twice a year. Castle Hills First Baptist Church: Call 377-8411 for more information. Fridays 7pm, Bandera Road Community Church, 523-9085; Tuesdays 6:30pm, Community Bible Church, 496-5096; Thursdays 5:45pm, Concordia Lutheran Church, 734-7771.
Heart 2 Heart
A support/recovery group ministry bringing encouragement and healing to people struggling through painful seasons in their lives. Offers scripture-based curriculums and trained facilitators who understand specific kinds of pain. Downtown First Baptist Church, 854-4866.
Helping Children Cope with Divorce
Call 299-2400 to register. Support groups for this program offered at several San Antonio locations and times.
Divorce Adjustment Seminar
6:30-8:30 p.m. Sundays, Alamo Heights United Methodist Church, Room 104 West. A new six-week series starts every eight weeks, except during holidays. Childcare available with advance notice. 378-6464 or 614-4945 or 826-3215, ext. 114.
Women’s Groups
Family Violence Prevention Services
Women’s Support Group, every Thursday 6:00-7:30pm. Domestic Violence Support 6:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. Mondays. Individual counseling. Call for other times. 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. 930-3669.
Individual Counseling Centers
Catholic Charities / Catholic Consultation Center
1844 Lock Hill-Selma, Ste. 101, 377-1133
Community Counseling Services of Our Lady of the Lake University
590 N. General McMullen, 434-1054
Ecumenical Center
8310 Ewing Halsell Dr., 78229, 616-0885
Provides a neutral environment where child exchanges can occur and parent child relationships can be monitored. 657-4748.
KIDS Exchange (Kids in Divorce Situations)
provides services for families in divorce situations including supervised visitations, neutral exchanges, cooperative parenting, K.I.D.S. (Kids in Divorce Situations) seminar. Fees vary. Free Parenting classes. 1818 San Pedro Ave. 733-3349.
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Bray, Chappell, Patterson & Olsen, Inc.
Attorneys and Counselors
1250 N.E. Loop 410, Suite 315
San Antonio, TX 78209
(210) 828-2178